The JFETs I ordered came this afternoon. I got an email saying they tried to deliver but no one was home. I wonder who they thought the two cars in the driveway belong to. I live in a third world country called This is the first time FedeX has screw up anything.

THe JFET test equipment that I ordered arrived two days ago at the wrong post office near here and was sent back to the main sorting station. I went to the post office and they said it may show up at their post office tomorrow, then in a day or two they will give it to the postman who has lost four out of the last nine packages that got shipped through USPS.

I ordered a one pound roll of solder from DigiKey. $44.00 for a pound of solder.

So I am in the process of starting to commence to begin to hurry up and sit


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo