Mr. Delsono...

This is a surprise! Could you have achieved an end that most of us songwriters despair of, which is sending out to the masses a morally righteous 'message' in a musical form that makes it easy to swallow? Quite possibly, yes! The song is tight in construction, scored with Real Tracks that capture the prevailing hip-hop sensibilities in today's popular music, and most of all, you display real confidence in the rhythmic way you deliver your lyrics. Got a feel for what's real, my homey! It's like you've transformed yourself into the 'D.J. of I'll Say...Whatever Needs To Be Said, Fred!!!" Ha, ha laugh !!! The casually 'overheard' nature of the lyrics lends spontaneity to the production, too. High-fives, and keep on takin' it to he streets, 'musician17' smile.

Last edited by bluage; 05/26/21 11:52 AM.

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".