any help much appreciated on this topic.
for a long time ive been looking at orch libs/vsti's plug ins//sample libs.
its sorta a dogs breakfast for me cos i want to build epic huge soundscapes. but i have several questions/concerns for people alreay useing orch libs.
what would you recommend that...
1. gives me huge soundscapes if i want them , but can also give me simplicity if thats what a song calls for ?
ie something flexible.
2. is easy to use. one problem i have researching orch libs
is if i get one; the time to find a instrument i'm looking for appropo to a song i'm doing. ie time spent trolling through menus. sometimes its SO TIRING spending oodles of time going through menus, and i find slows my creativity.
cos when i get a song idea BAM ! lol i want to get it down
fast before i lose the flow/impetus.
3. i dont mind spending a little money. but i have other family obligations ; like a lot of pg users i'm sure
(like eating /servicing the car etc lol.) thus a budget friendly solution would be nice.
4. gives me UNIQUENESS. my concern on this being i dont want someone listening to one of my original songs to say
"oh he used the flute from xyz library". what i mean to say is (and i dont mean this in a rotten way) how to stay different from other users useing the same library ?

maybe its just not time for me re orch libs.
maybe i have to wait for them to develope more ?
but any ideas appreciated. ive been going through the sweetwater list of libs also.

if people have any ideas ive missed; feel free to post back. also feel free to critique my ideas/propose a different tack.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 05/28/21 02:11 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)