Hey Peter,

I checked this out and I think it is a really cool feature. Thanks!

For the future an idea or two:

If you see the links below I still think it would be helpful in the online manual (and the print too I guess, if people still use it) to see a picture similar to what I pasted in one of my post replies above (the one with the attachment) as a refresher. From these links, you now know what you CAN do, but if you are trying to remember a lot of BIAB functions, you would not necessarily remember that "melody menu" refers to the tiny type at the top of the GUI. Know what I mean?

For every major function, I think a small simple orienting screenshot back to the dashboard would be helpful.



Also, if you click the "Do It" button on transpose, it gives you one option I can see, but not the myriad, which you would see if you were to go to the drop down menu on the melody menu, which you need to be reminded of. Make sense?

I have no idea how you would address all of this though, with all of your major functions--the program is now so deep and rich and does so many cool things, it might actually take another staff to describe it all in a way that mortal human beings can absorb.

There are A LOT of tools now!!!
