Hi Janice & Bud,

Just had a second listen to this song.

You have some great performances going on here - in particular the vocals and lead guitar.

A few suggestions to make this track even better:

Vocals - down a touch to put them in the same space as the band. You will need to manually edit the volume on the vocals as they are not consistently too loud. Maybe also a slightly longer reverb.

Lead Guitar - up a bit. Maybe also bring it a little forward with a shorter reverb so that the guitarist is standing beside the lead vocalist. The guitar volume in this type of Blues is often similar to the vocals.

Piano - up a touch - especially between vocal and lead guitar phrases.

Drums - I can hear the double slap of drums and other instruments on the off-beats. This gives it a sort of "shuffle" feel - is this what you had in mind?

Song - maybe add a bit of light and shade in the Rhythm section - e.g. Ride Cymbal in second verse. Pump up the piano and also more drum fills and crash cymbals in the choruses and particularly during the Guitar lead break.

I hope you don't mind suggestions and recommendations.

Best Regards

Last edited by NigelSpiers; 06/25/21 12:10 AM.

Nigel Spiers
Christchurch, New Zealand