
Here's an Audacity story.

I had a neighbor down the street who went to NC State to study chemical engineering. He was/is a jazz genius in addition to being a chemical engineer. A killer keyboard player and a great kid. We jammed all the time. On weekends when he didn't have anything to do, he might tear his car down in the front yard, replace his brake pads for fun and put it all back together in just a few hours before doing his homework. That kind of kid.

He recorded a perfect facsimile cover version of Toto's Africa playing all the instruments and singing all the parts using Audacity 2 and a simple Radio Shack style mixer. It sounded just like Toto.

Then Toto played Raleigh. Somehow, my buddy bumped into Steve Lukather after the show and asked if he could play the cover on his iPhone for him and Lukather said sure. Apparently, Lukather said afterwards: "Dude, that is the most awesome cover of my song that I have ever heard. Where did you record that?"

"In my bedroom. On Audacity."

"Who's playing?"

"It's all me."



They bonded.

I am sure there is a lesson to be learned there somewhere.

Maybe Pat Metheny said it best:

"Man, I don't know about you, but me, I'm all about listening to people who know how to play."
