quote=Scott C]These songs are timeless. Awesome version of the song. Peters guitar was perfect for the song and Marty's basslines were so smooth and fluid. Just loved the vocal Janice. Very cool listen. Production was excellent as well. Well done[/quote]

Thanks Scott. We love attempting a decent interpretation of these classics. We appreciate your positive comments!


Originally Posted By: MarioD
As usual pro quality all the way. Outstanding vocal, guitar leads, bass, backing tracks and mix. This is better than anything offered by Alligator Records.

Loved it!

Thanks Mario. That’s some amazing company you’ve included us in! Humbled.


Originally Posted By: jptjptjpt
Great bluesy feel. Nice performances by everyone. Good clear mix. Another fine collaboration.



Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
That sizzling opening lead signaled that this was going to be a outstanding production.

Janice's singing is always good, but this performance is one of her best.

Peter's guitar just screams and wails. Bass sounds good and is more audible in this mix than in some others.

Excellent production. You hit the sweet balance.

Thanks. Janice very much appreciated your vocal comment and we agree re Peter and Marty. Those guys know how to do it! We appreciate your support!


Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
A classic made classicer!!! Band sounds fantastic!!! And the forum's vocal queen KILLLLS IT!!!! Pure class!!! Take care. Greg

Thanks Greg!