Originally Posted By: Tangmo
Well now, if that ain't two-and-a-half minutes of good times. Had to listen more than once, but only because it was fun. Andy has a great light touch. You really brought the brightness and drive. Marty was all over the bottom end, melodic and interesting. All mixed up in a great sounding number on the monitors and phones. Much enjoyed.

Fun is what it's all about, thanks, Tangmo!

Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Dave this song is truly great! There isn't a single thing that doesn't have me believing this is a band that has played together a lot. The vocal intro sold it from beat first word. I can picture the background vocals being done...seriously everything was so enjoyable!

I guess you're doing what all the kids are doing. Taking something from the past and making it new again. The difference is it's your own music each time! wink

REALLY great song my friend!

Really appreciate that, thanks, Caaron!

Last edited by BlueAttitude; 06/30/21 12:19 AM.