Hello Misha, Mario, Rog, Mark and Beatmaster,

that were some very nice comments on this Cat song! I liked them all. I think Beatmaster scored very high with a one word reply. Wonderful!
Down here I reply to all of you individually:

Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
This is probably the most romantic cat tune I have heard smile
Cool idea and lyrics! Very good composition with many interesting instrumental and vocal parts. (Don't you think we need more of similar flutes in BIAB?) While I think overall mix is good, I think vocals are a bit too loud. So it is not the whole mix, but the balance between instrumentals and vocals. Liked it! Thank you for sharing.

P.S. Cats are the best!

Misha, to start with your last sentence; Yes, that's what they are. Although they misuse me all the time when I'm supposed to be their master...
Thanks for your nice word. I agree we need more flutes and certainly more modern flutes in BiaB. This wasn't even a flute, but a synth.
I was hesitating on replacing them with flutes of my own library. But this flute sounded a bit happy and reminded me of butterflies swirling around the scene.

About the loudness of my vocals. I agree with you and so I adjusted them (and the background vocals) immediatly. I also lowered the volume of the drums some more. Where would I be without the ears of this forum! And you know by now, I don't mind how you write down these suggestions, as long as you give them. That is one of the reasons we have this forum, I hope.

Originally Posted By: MarioD
Hans, this dog loving person liked your cat song; I am allergic to cats.
Very clever lyrics, I liked the way one would have thought it was about a women at the beginning. Excellent vocal. The backing tracks were perfect.
This is a winner.

Mario, I don't know why, but I am not surprised you are a dog lover. I hope your allergy to cats is just because of their fur, not what they are (other than their arrogance). I also like dogs. We had two German shepherds once, but cats are easier to handle (if they don't run away). And it is like you mentioned: I wrote the lyrics so it puts the listener on the wrong leg in the beginning. When 'the wrong food' comes in there will be some surprise when the subject seems to be different.
I was hesitating posting this song on the forum. I certainly didn't think it would be a winner, but if you say so that will be great then. Thanks!

Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Hans,
A clever song, nicely put together.
Loved the hint of reggae in there - I was expecting a steel drum solo to appear.
It's great when someone posts something which is a bit different and I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Glad it had a happy ending!

Rog, thanks for your words. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't catch that reggae effect as I heard it in my head. And actually I really tried the steel drums! However they were very overpowering, especially on the flute. I am very glad you liked the song. I thought that 'animal lovesongs' wouldn't do a thing. But it looks I am wrong!

Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
Very enjoyable. I can imagine George Harrison singing this (and doing an awesome slide guitar solo.)

Mark, you made a nice comparison! Although I was also compared with John Lennon. So you need to come with someone more special...
And a slide guitar isn't my favorite, so probably I will misuse that intrument in a terrible way.

Originally Posted By: beatmaster
Really !!

Beatmaster, I still wonder if I can take this as a compliment or not. That one word becomes a riddle to me! I bet you did that on purpose, don't you? Are you a cat lover as well?
In case it is meant as a compliment, I thank you for that!

Thanks for dropping by and commenting the song.
Have a nice day today


Hans Berkhout