Hi Janne, Jptjptjpt, Dani and Scott,

It was nice to read your comments on this cat song. I thik there are some real catlovers around here. Very nice to see!.
Thanks for your comments and I try to answer your posts individualy beneath:

Originally Posted By: jannesan
I like cats, so good to hear another song about one of them smile Glad to hear that your cat came back, they are so independent and mysterious that you never know what's going to happen. I don't have a cat no cat owns me, but I'm considering now making a song about them laugh
Very enjoyable rhythm created with the acoustic guitar and drums, the baritone guitar and the flute complement it perfectly. Also the use of the accordion is very creative choice. Very nice chord progression, especially in the intro and the chorus. Great vocals as always. Excellent work overall!


Janne, the thing I hear the most is cats own servants and we have to obey / feed our cats.
At first i was worried a lot my cat didn't show up for some time, but after he returned, and meowed that everything is OK, he left again for some time. And then appears again (for his food). My two other cats do the same now. i think it's because of the nice weather. At this very moment I hear dogs barking and (my) cat(s) meowing. What to do? At least no more cat songs for the moment...
And thanks for your comments on the band. I had to do some puzzling on the chords.

Originally Posted By: jptjptjpt
I love my cat so I know what you sing about. My cat demands to go out and if she's not back every few minutes I begin to freak out. Of course my hat is off to you for being able to put it in such a well crafted song. Great lyrics. Great vocals. The band sounds like the Beatles at times. Nice one.

JptJptJpt, i had to laugh about you freaking out when your cat is away for some minutes. You're worse than me at this!
And thank you for your nice words on my composition. Especially what you said about the Beatles. I think they would have been jealous!

Originally Posted By: dani48
Now, my good Hans !

What a superb tune, your best I presume at least of them I´ve heard !
As it is I have had many cats myself! At least two of them were black and white !
My last cat was a birma who lived till 20 and her name was Lady, she was a wonderful cat indeed !

I am eased to know you found your cat ! huh...must have been a gruesome experience !
I think I lost two that way !
I liked very much what I heard and wish you and your cat all the best in life !


Dani, As I said, cat lovers will recognize the song and feelings. Exactly as you wrote.
Today I saw with friends another black and white cat (a little fatter) like mine. So, very common cats. Nothing special.
Still they can steal your heart! I think your experience was more cruesome. You lost your cats (2) I retrieved mine. The other two stayed around all the time.

I hope you find the time to listen to more of my songs and tell me what is good or bad. Within a week I will come with a classic Blues with sax. Maybe you would like it even more than the cat song! Hope you have a nice time in Spain, Dani. All the best and lots of inspiration,

Originally Posted By: Scott C
Cool lyric Hans. Loved the song. Where would we be without our fur babies. Excellent choice of instruments for your backtrack. Well done

Scott, I thought you already reacted on the song as Spirit Level! Thanks for your comment and your remak=rk/guestio about the 'fur babies'. Sometimes I rather like to speak about the as 'furry' demanding egoists, but that is a lot of discussion...

As I said, it's very nice to get your kind reactions on this issue.
Maybe they all run away to let me make a new song on them...

Have a nice day everyone,

Hans Berkhout