Originally Posted By: Birchwood
Hi Josie,

I got amazed (again) by your vocals. In this particulair song they shine even more than in the previous one.
What a beautiful performance you gave here! And it was a nice thing too, doing it from out of a medaillon ;-)

I read all the other posts on your song and can't disagree with anyone of them.
Very well done!

When did you made this song? I ask it because the way you wrote Charlene and you wrote it, I thought that was some time ago.
Doesn't matter for the quality of this song. As I can tell, after two songs this is a winner. Tell Charlene too!

Have a nice day,

Thank you very much Hans! The production is new. The song was written about ten years ago. Seems like Charlene I write together about once every ten years. LOL! We're currently working together again. Whatever comes of it we have a good time. The idea for the locket came after days of wracking my brain. grin.