(NOTE...dont slam me for my views. they come from spending many many frustrating years on the question of best monitors to use....and monitors drive me name it...ive tried it over the years from big soffit monsters in big studios down to junk.)

i use allsorts. good hphones/bad hphones/good spkrs/bad spkrs/home type speakers.
i'm currently useing some thonet/vader spkrs plus sennheiser higher end in ear buds....
until i decide whether to buy say the adams which i really like, but then when i feel like spending the money on adams...i think back to lots of discussions i once had with good engineers in big studios re monitors...viz.
1. why do the "classic hits" of the past that didnt use any of todays speaker tech sound so good even on my baby tv speakers ?
2. are we fooling ourselves spending lots of moolah on monitors ?
3. why do mixes done on big studio monsters sometimes not translate ? happened more than once to me.
4. given that lots of people in the world listen on junk, and given that a musician is lucky to make even a few buks monthly off of the spend on hi end spkrs worth it ? summary...the topic doesnt have a perfect solution....much as i like the adams.
(i also like the tannoy dual concentric speakers, but for some reason i cant put my finger on...not the krk's. if really pushed for buks i always suggest demoing 100 buk edifiers.).

best/peace out.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)