Originally Posted By: David Snyder

I guess what I am saying is that the showcase is a place where people go to post stuff they are proud of, and just to have a good time with their friends.


However, it might be good--just as an idea--to have a place where people gather for the sole purpose of examining a song for areas of improvement before the final mix or final take.

The danger area I see is the appearance of blowhards who are experts in all things, but have never posted a single tune.




I'm all for having a place where everyone, regardless of skill level, can post and not be blasted off the internet. I think the Showcase does an excellent job in accomplishing this and providing that safe place. Much of that is due to the great folks we have here.

The showcase is a useful area that lets everyone post and if they ask or not, critiques can be given. I have been taken to task by several here, who shall remain nameless, for offering my thoughts and ideas on how they might improve either the production of a tune or the different aspects of the song itself or any of a number of other issues I heard in the song. Some were in open forum and others PM'd me to unload their cargo. So.... as a result, I cut back on my comments, critiques and advice and sure, I still listen to more than I comment on, but I tend to not comment or simply say "good job". And that made some others mad.... "why don't you comment on my songs?" kind of thing. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. I invite critiques and quite often , people give them even when I don't ask and for the most part.... they are fairly accurate. I hear a click at such and such a point, too bright, not bright enough, vox too low, etc.... We have folks here with good ears. I listen to the advice from the folks who have posted their work, showing that they actually know what they're talking about. The others, I take with a grain of salt or simply ignore.

We do in fact have a Songwriters forum which is sadly, underused for it's intended purpose. I thought it would be a good area for folks looking for help with writing, or perhaps looking for someone to collaborate with either musically or in writing a song, could find that help. I don't see that happening often. I think I recall a few posts of the intended purpose throughout the time it has been here. I have also approached a number of folks here to ask if they'd like to help me on a tune. Excuses. I know folks are busy. But again, that tends to curb one's enthusiasm to approach those folks after you get several excuses in a row.

The folks I have worked with here have been absolutely a joy and a pleasure to write and record with. I'll continue to make myself available to collaborate, and to offer my skills to like minded individuals. After all, it's all about the song and the process of writing and recording it.

Just a few random thoughts......

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.