As Bud suggested, THIS sub-forum is likely an ideal candidate for one-offs. "Here's something I'm working on. Is (this, that, or the other) working for you?"

There have been here the occasional thread about a song that has nothing to do with BIAB and wouldn't be appropriate for the showcase.

Creating a new sub-forum EXPRESSLY for the purpose of getting "deep" comment is something for PG to consider, but so far they already "allow" that kind of thing 'here'.

I also don't have time to "keep up" and usually do as Bud said in choosing who to "follow". To be honest, that time constraint might be even more apparent in a forum (or post) dedicated to deeper thoughts. I can't see myself (often) using such, and don't think I'd make a particularly dependable participant even if I had something to add worth adding. At times I go "deeper" in the showcase, but God in heaven, I wouldn't even WANT to do that consistently.

I'll say this from experience, though. You can learn an awful about somebody by how they respond to criticism, ESPECIALLY when that criticism is not malicious. You can learn pretty quickly when to keep your mouth shut.

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD.