People here on this forum are mostly very polite. I think they try their best to avoid hurting other people's feelings. There are those among us who will call anyone out who really gets out of line.

As far as the User Showcase is concerned I do not comment nearly as much as I listen. Why would I say I like something if I don't? I comment on stuff I like some of the time. Sometimes I just smile and hope they keep up the good work. I don't think I am knowledgeable enough to be of much value commenting about your recording techniques.

I also think if a person is super sensitive to what others say about their songs, they should not post them on any forum or play them in public.

I don't get upset by what others say about my songs. I have written some songs I really like and written my share of crap. I am perfectly capable of playing out of time, so is Brent Mason for that matter. We are all at different stages of our musical journey. I think we should continue to be as inclusive as possible.

I think David and others have given all of us some things to think about in this thread.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo