I honestly, originally, thought that is what this forum we are in right now would be for. When it was first announced I was pretty excited. I thought someone could simply include "Critique" or "Input Needed" in their thread title, realizing they would get input to possibly help their song. Then we wouldn't have to wonder what someone is looking for and wouldn't get overlooked or lost in the showcase.

I was a little disappointed when this forum became more about pointing to videos or articles on song writing. I like them, don't get me wrong; but I haven't seen that part you can't get from just searching youtube. All of you! smile

The showcase on the other hand I thought was more for "I think I'm as finished as I'm going to be. Maybe for now, maybe forever, so here it is!"

I know this is a bunch that is eager to help when needed. So we've got that going for us...which is nice. smirk

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.