Originally Posted By: Pipeline
The worst thing is that there are therapeutics / Prophylaxis that work but were blocked. Why block something if it's been used for decades safely ? is it too cheap ? is it political ?
I have seen the MSM report so many things as truth that have now turned out conspiracy theories and conspiracy theories that have now become truth all in a short time. So who do you put your life on ?
The Fauci guy is not a practicing doctor on the front line connecting directly with the human side, working daily with sick patients, watching them die in front of them like proper doctors that have to do all they can day in day out because of their love, compassion and the oath they took, these were the doctors that actually did something and found ways but were ridiculed. So no second or third opinion just ONE is allowed, ONE ONLY and controlled by the media, cancelled and deleted on social media. Sooooo many had to died unnecessarily because of spite, hate, politics, $$$$$$

Big Pharma controls congress. Congress has their pals Twitter, Facebook and Google censor the information. Why take a pill that costs $.10 world wide when we can spend billions on unproven vaccines. Sure They seem to work and not too many people are being killed by them but ...

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.