I guess I was pretty vague about the whole "pop" thing looking back. I probably should have said what Bud mentioned, music on the pop charts. A quick reference...
Pop Chart Example

There has been a large trend to more of an 80's type of feel for the last year and half or so, which I have actually enjoyed.

I am one of those that is also in the "it's not about the genre" camp. If I like it, it's good to me.

As far as there being as many genres in the top of the pop charts as there songs in the top of the pop charts, I actually think there are not all that many. There are only a few represented, in my opinion.

I'm sorry Eddie, I have tried again and again, I just can't picture you at the Debbie Gibson concert. She definitely was and is talented. I think my brain just keeps going to the visual of you being one of the screaming fans when "Only in My Dreams" starts. There is a disconnect for me. grin

I hope I helped clarify what I meant by "Pop." I get a lot of music that hasn't traditionally been pop is blurring the lines.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.