Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
re doing vocals.

even big name vocalists are helped along by studio "tricks" and engineering.
which is why when one hears a band live they sometimes "dont sound like the hit record."

i sincerely hope the following little tricks help you in your quest.
1. confidence is a VERY big thing. say to yourself "i can do it".
breath in measured amounts matching the song phraseing.
get one phrase right at a time. before going on to the next phrase. ie bite sized chunks.
2. try different "personas". for example recently i was doing a song with a normal vocal persona.
it wasnt working. so i tried a "evil persona", and suddenly the song came alive.
i n summary experiment with different personalities. if a loud voc isnt working try a whispery vocal.
then try subtle stuff like a whisper behind a louder vocal.
3. doubling vocs i mentioned. the beauty of doubles is they add vocal "character" and charm.
just listen to major hits , and doubles are used in lots of songs.
try and mix it up. maybe a simple voc for verse, but doubles or even triples for choruses.

sorry mark my time is limited, i am recovering/tired from a minor medical procedure this evening.
for further info there is lots of vocal info/triks on the net. also spend time carefully listening to hit records.
cos you can pick up lots of ideas.

just trying to help you a little, and god bless.
i wish you every success with your songs.

Thanks, OM. Godspeed in your recovery!

Those all seem like good ideas. Some I've heard before. Of course, hearing about them is the easy part---making them habits is what matters.
I've discovered that I need to sing softly. (If I sing loud, my pitch-accuracy goes out the window.)
Thanks, again. I'll definitely work on the doubling (and add other tricks in due course.)

"If I knew where the good songs came from, I'd go there more often." Leonard Cohen