RE "oh please".

i said up thread , ..i would probably use any new features that made life easier.
(of course depending on what it was john.)

i normally upgrade every few years depending how much a new feature interests me.
but "still" if an instant coffee gimme an instant song feature came out , i outlined...
if it was a new serious song i was creating (and not a quickie rough demo) i would still rigorously go through every single biab style (after establishing the chord sheet arrangement).

because ive found over the years if i dont do that i miss some interesting sounds. ive spent several days this week doing just that. in summary , yes there are times i will appreciate instant solutions, but, other times i'm extremely hard on myself and work in a rigorous detailed fashion john.

now some might say "thats crazy going thru zillions of styles etc " be it. but my reasoning is simple as an ex coder/programmer.
ie has the AI programming in bringing to me a instant quick song solution missed something ?

thus if pg bring out another few hundred styles in the stylepicker over the next couple of years, i will go through those as well as my current huge list of styles in the stylepicker. (if i'm doing a serious song.)

if pg were to offer an instant solution useing AI techniques, i would probably use the feature for quickie demoing of ideas etc. i hope i make some sense john in my believe me i work very very hard.

Jim Fogle.

actually your post providing links to nexus/output/momentum/uvi products brings up a very interesting point.

just imagine for a moment if pg included all those sample libraries in the biab product.
yes this would make contemporary song creators very happy. but then probably the downloads would balloon by terabytes , thus annoying pg users downloading say the 2023 version of the product. or whichever new version.

thus pg are in a catch 22 situation imho. i cant see how pg can win.
(remember a thread months back with pg simon involved discussing the file size impacts of makeing audiophile even bigger and bigger , and how big it would get ?}

i think if i were to embark on a serious contemporary song project for commercial release , i would do the following.
1. create a chord arrange in real band. and generate a guide stereo wav in rb .
2. use rb to generate lots of *.mid traks. ie playing to the strength of the rb product.
3. plug in, as you suggest something like uvi with its huge sample libs. isolating on traks the final sound nuggets i want to use in the song. or i might transfer the mids into reaps and plug in the uvi sample player there. i like rb and reaps cos of lots of traks flexibility.

its sort of a divide and conquer approach jim .
ie use uvi (or another plug in) for what its good at and realband for what its good at too. rather than expecting everything and the kitchen sink in one product.

hope i make sense jim. the thing i like about rb is the right clik over a trak feature , and ease of gen/regen to ones hearts content. a very strong point. as well as the triks i can do in various views.
but thats for another day.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)