Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
can you read my mind. lol.
ive been looking at same i5 processor.
rateing on cpubenchmark.net 17372.
but otoh i might wait for prices to come down.


The 10400 is a good alternative for a few bucks less, though it does bench a bit lower. That's the problem with waiting - there's always new stuff around the corner.

I'm going with the 11400 specifically because it's the most power for the money with the lowest TDP. It's a 65-watt chip, which is important because I'm building a very small formfactor ITX machine (the case is just over 3" thick and around 15"x13"), and if I were to put in the i9 9900k I have in my main machine it'd probably melt. There are faster 65-watt chips, but they take a big jump in price.

IIRC Planobilly recently built a 10th gen i5 machine and was very happy with it even compared to the i7 or i9 he put in his other machine. I think it was Billy anyway...

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