I love these posts! I always get some new ideas.
I used Real Band at first. but could not get 3rd party plug ins to work and it would randomly crash. I think it might be a 32 bit thing the the file size gets huuuuuge.
Then heard about Reaper. It had better (for me any way) instructional videos. The series "how to record your Band" got me going.

So right now I make tracks in BB then export.
When I need some more instruments I open BB again and then export more tracks.

I have the BB vst loaded in Reaper but I only use it their for the track settings and following the chords when I play along.
I don't like the way the BB vst needs to generate a set of tracks to your temp folder that you have to go and clean out.

But... this is a bit of a slow way to arrange.

So...I think I'll try testing out