Winter in Florida is when thousands of Canadians come down to stay in either RV Resorts or motels, and spring is when thy go back home. *

We play at a RV Resort that hosts about 600 Canadian RVs all winter and another 300 USA travelers. The Canadians are mostly from Quebec, and they are a great audience.

I'm glad the border is reopened, it'll be good to see some old friends again.

Notes ♫

* Winter is also the dry season. The rainy season usually runs from mid-May to mid-October, the rest of the year is mostly fair and dry. Winter is also our big gigging season.

A couple of years before the Pandemic, Mrs. Notes and I decided to spend some time in Quebec. (BTW, McGill University in Montreal has a great student symphony orchestra and the choir in Notre-Dame is as good as it gets anywhere).

When we crossed the border into Canada, the border guard asked why we were visiting Canada. I told him we were entertainers, we gigged at an RV park where hundreds of French Canadians spend the winter, and we wanted to bring some of your money back. He had a good sense of humor, there was no line behind us, so we chatted a while and then had a nice time in Montreal and Quebec City.

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks