Hi Dan,
Thanks, I am in the middle of a Dobro VST download from hell that I paid $100 bucks for that will work with Kontact 6 I hope.
Little distracted at the moment.

1. Enter your account e-mail address and full serial (included in your serial e-mail) and select “Get Links”.

2. Download all listed .rar files.

3. If you do not have an unarchiver utility, please download and install the included unarchiver located at the bottom of this page.

4. Select and open the first .rar file, this will typically be named .Part1. This will start the unarchiving process.

5. Once completed please make sure to unarchive the .rar Instrument archive that comes separately with each instrument. This file will NOT have a "Part" in the file name.

6. Once done, add the included contents of the unarchived Instrument folder to the main unarchived content. If a folder already exists in this location, please combine the contents of the folder. (Do not overwrite any pre existing folder)

7. Relocate the final folder to your desired directory and enjoy.

There are like 10 parts downloaded into separate folders...what a PITA!


Last edited by Planobilly; 10/24/21 09:32 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo