Hi Charly,

In today's world, I am not sure there is a "proper way to fingerpick". Using the thumb and two fingers is a very common way and there are likely more people who know how to do that than more conventional "three-finger methods"

Mark Knopfler is a famous example of someone who uses the thumb and two fingers. If he is doing it all wrong then I want to do it all wrong also...lol

Clarence Gatemouth Brown is a world-famous guitar player well known for playing with his thumb and first finger.

The fact that someone creates a pattern that certain studio musicians can not follow does not make that pattern "wrong".

An engineer decided what you were doing was "wrong"?
Really. Was the producer some famous classically trained guitar player from some famous school who knew everything there is to know about playing guitar?

Every now and then I have been around an engineer who did not understand who was paying the bill and who was working for who.

Playing with three fingers and your thumb with your little finger resting on the top of the guitar playing "Travis picking patterns" is a well-known method. But that does not make it right or wrong.

I can assure you I have a guitar player that could follow what you were doing.

I am finding I am learning to use all my fingers at times and only one finger at other times. If you have a thumb and four fingers, why not use them?



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo