Hello forum friends. Hope the fall is treating all of you well. I continued to be blown away by the productions on this forum! It can be hard to keep up with as the forum has really grown. Thanks to all who commented on my last post.....your comments mean a great deal to me. I read all of them and cherish your kind words. This is a jazz tune with a small club feel. BIAB has really turned me on to this style as there is a great array of players in this genre. I've always loved this kind of music but never written much of it until recent years because I don't have the talent to play it......thank you BIAB!!!! I'd love to hear your thoughts. Take care all.

Player are:
Piano/drums....from the Poll winner jazz waltz (I replaced the piano with a Komplete VST so I cannot see the number on the RT)


Lonely Again

I’m Lonely again
Can’t find the words in this pen
That I could write you
And make you ever want to come home
Guess you’re better without me
Guess there’s somethin’ about me
That makes you prefer time alone

There’s not a cloud in the skies
But still there’s rain in my eyes
And that songbird is singin’ the blues
He says his soulmate is gone
She packed up and moved on
And since then, there’s only bad news

He says his heart is now shattered
She was all that ever mattered
And I tell him I know how he feels
We share a long conversation
About our souls’ devastation
And how our hearts never may heal

I’m lonely again
Seems I ain’t got a friend
And my songbird has now flown away
I just don’t hear his sound
Guess I was bringin’ him down
Maybe I too will fly off someday