Originally Posted By: animarorecords
Peter & Janice,

I'm in a good mood for the old 4-beat sound.
Janice's vocal is very sweet.
Your guitar work is outstanding as always.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Thanks Shigeki


Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
I read the lyrics before listening. Very good. They can stand on their own w/o the music. Tune is good too.

Is that Jerry Lee on the piano? smile

Janice gives this song the treatment.

Peter, the guitar bit blend in organically with the style/RTs.

Man, that solo is good!

Appreciate the comments Scott


Originally Posted By: rsdean
Peter, Janice, Leon & Bud,

I could listen to a whole album of this… So good!

Janice and the whole team shines. This is a special one.

Thoroughly enjoyed!


Thanks Bob
