Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hi Billy,

there has been a long tradition of anti-war songs, but unfortunately they're not that popular anymore these days. Actually we don't hear many protest songs at all - we're amusing ourselves to death, as Neil Postman said.

The fact that we don't have big world wars seems to make people sometimes forget that there are numerous incredibly atrocious smaller wars that cause endless misery to the people involved.

Billy, no doubt that your 'sillylove songs' are fine, but if you'd aske me: Stick to this genre - it's important and the way you do it is powerful. There's so much to worry about...

Really well-done.

Stay safe,


Thank you for the kind words. I try to keep these "robbers, raiders, muggers, cheaters, gangsters, thugs, thieves and stealers" in check, but it is a big job...lol

Sie können sich nicht vorstellen, wie sehr ich mir wünschte, heute Abend in München zu sein. Meine Frau und ich lieben Deutschland.

This pandemic is making me really sad for all my friends in Europe. Let's hope things get better, especially in Germany.

This recording was a bit of a mess with very unconventional mixing and lots of little mistakes...so is war I guess.



Last edited by Planobilly; 11/28/21 11:54 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo