Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Well, guys, I guess I am the odd man out.

I LOVE RealBand! I wish they would fix the VST save issue, which is highly annoying, but other than that I love it. I mix in Cakewalk with about 897 VSTs last time I counted but I record in RB, as I said. To each his own it looks like.

I can see I am all alone though (except for Muso) so I will let this go!!!!


Just reading this thread and thought I would throw in my 2 cents. You are definitely NOT the odd one out. I absolutely love realband. I use it on every song. I don’t use any other daw. I also do not understand why people don’t even give it much of a try before dismissing it.

I'm sure you all know my opinion on this already, but I'll restate it.
You can use any DAW you want. The end raw tracks will not be any different using RB/PT than using Reaper or ProTools or whatever.
The interface does the audio/digital conversion, not the DAW.
It's all about personal preference in the tools.
RB can be used in very successful recordings just as any other DAW can.
I've used it for CD's that sold well and for TV material. In the end, nobody cared what DAW I used.

If you grew up with (and KNOW) Sonar/Cakewalk then use that (or Reaper or whatever). Reaper was a HUGE learning curve to me, but I got use to it eventually, I imagine it is the same with RB for some.
The main difference is the workflow, so use whatever you want. It's another tool.
But I wouldn't dismiss it without at least seeing what it can do, even if it seems a little clunky at first.
There are still some things RB does that other DAWs do not, at least not without additional plugins etc .. to me generating additional content in RB is still better than using the plugin, or at least more comfortable, but that's just me.

I'm not going to try to talk you into using it, but I think you do yourself a disservice by not spending a little time looking at it, once you have it.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome