My best example of using an image backup was back when Norton Ghost was my choice.

I bought a guitar pedal that came with a CD-ROM with Cubase LE on it. I had tried Cubase many years before that and didn't really like it, but I was curious to how it may have been improved.

So I did what I always do before installing any new software, I made a fresh disk image.

I slipped the CD in, waited for the prompt, and clicked. It churned away and seemed to get stuck. No noise from the CD reader, no action on the screen and after a long wait, I realized it was stuck.

Ctrl+Alt+Del freed the computer and I used the task manager to quit the installation. I tried it again, and it stalled again.

I rebooted the computer but got a DOS screen with a message I don't quite remember word for word, but it told me to finish the installation. The CD was still in the drive, so there was nothing I could do. None of the usual key combinations freed the computer, so I rebooted in the safe mode.

Safe mode had the same problem, the computer didn't want to boot but wanted to continue the installation, however that wasn't possible.

In went the rescue disk, reboot, recover using the image, do something else while it churned away, come back to the computer exactly as it was before I tried that install.

Next step, break the CD-ROM and throw it in the trash.

Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks