This is not a reason to buy, so don't take it as such.

Assume PGMusic has a finite amount of programmers/time.
Every year they try hard to please everybody, but let's face it .. RB is the Mixed Veggies part of the income pie, and BiaB is the rest of the plate, including meat and potatoes.

I can only surmise that they dedicated a lot of time on (and created an impressive new version of) BiaB this year.
What I am stumbling along to say is; we have seen some pretty cool features added to RB mid-year before, and my gut says when the rush of the new release settles down is when they can give RB more time.
But I'm not speaking for PGMusic here, just observation and hunch.

The ability to send 'realtime' timing instructions to the VST/VSTis that use it (EZDrummer, Jamstix etc) is one such surprise update released mid-year. Pipeline & I had asked for it in previous years and were a little disappointed, then boom mid-year it was just added in with an update.

I do like some of the new Realband features this year, such as ability to assign the RBBackup folder in particular.
Now I always know where my backups are and it is easier to manage. Previously it was always on whatever drive you ran RB from.
What if I don't remember the last time I worked on a song was with what version of RB and on which drive?
Now I know I can go to X:RBBackup .. X being whatever drive I want.

So having 4 drives, with various RB/PT installs .. and then the various external drives from over the years .. I had RBBackup folders all over the network it seemed.

.. sometimes for me something as little as this feature, that helps so much, makes me smile.
Most users would read it and go eh. To me it was a biggie, since I use RB so much.

FWIW this is another thing I've asked for in previous years and it finally happened, so hang in there, yours may still happen smile

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome