
Goodness! it takes a while to read your threads (especially if you've been away or don't have time to get to it for a few days)!!

I do enjoy the fact that you document your thoughts and processes. Interesting reading. Your thoughtful responses to comments, too...

The BAND/tracks sound great. The opening gave me a Steely-Dan-vibe...great company to be in... the mix is tight.

The robot voices ARE impressive (technologically). But...it seems as though "they all sound the same". Not just your use of them, but ALL uses of them. You do a hell of a job getting them to sing with a good cadence. But...they, inevitably, lack true emotion.

You write very cool melodies. However, (I didn't want to say "But..." again smile ) This one feels like a trying-too-hard moment. The melody "bounces" a lot. Ups and downs - which works at times, then, at times, just feels like it is up-and-downing unnecessarily - which begins to sound forced. There actually needs to be more "sameness" ("even-ness"?) to the melody to make it sound "natural", not "manufactured".

...this is in NO WAY intended to suggest what you are doing is not VERY impressive (all aspects of it). It's VERY impressive. The acoustic sounds wonderful! The harmonies are exquisite. The drums are tasty!

You are a very talented musician and songwriter and producer.
