Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
This is the first year in many that I did not overbuy during the holiday sales. Fact is, except for BIAB 2022, I bought nothing! Zero $! Could it be I finally have as many sound VST libraries as I can imagine to be able to use? Could I actually have all the hardware gear (recording and playing) that I can possibly make use of? Can I blame this on Kontack 13 which gave me more sounds than there is time in the day. Or perhaps it is Covid!!! Has anyone heard of any reported residual persisting symptoms that surpresses the need for more music stuff? cry

Maybe I just need to spend a little private time this christmas eve perusing the web in search of that one must have package that I can download by tomorrow morning. grin

Hey Dan!

I grabbed this East Asia set for Kontakt at 25% off with their holiday coupon that is still available (so $75.) It has some awesome instruments with pro patterns and adjustable key and tempo. Sonme of their demos showed these used for modern hiphop tracks and they were an awesome addition!


And I'm gonna grab this nylon guitar for the instrument and set of picking patterns that are included using the same 25% off coupon so another $75!


Oh and the coupon code, in case you don't see it, is HOLIDAYGIFT2021 and you just enter it in your shopping cart.