apologies mario, i realise there are songs with more than three chords - i even know some of them. smile

but my point is quite serious. pop, country and folk are probably the most accessble of genres, and majors, minors and sevenths usually suffice to create a lot of really wonderful music.

playing guitar we all get the hang of sus chords and how they resolve - add and take off the g on the top string of a D chord is sonething we all learnt by simply playing or watching other guitarists. it sounds cool and we learnt by doing it!

some of the chords the OP is asking qestions about seem to come out of nowhere - unless as i mentioned earlier he is using a program that creates chord sequences.

if that's the case he's generating chords with a program and turning them into songs with BIAB instead of starting with the music he wants to create.

mind you, if he's attemtping to learn BIAB and jazz from scratch he's braver than i am. but then creating any kind of music without learning an instrument misses a great deal of the pleasure and satisfaction.

i do feel we are being used a little - i have had invaluable help from the forum but my first reponse is not to make a psot if i'm not sure how to do something which is what the OP seems to do.

Last edited by Bob Calver; 12/30/21 11:07 AM.