Mario, I've tried it on two songs so far, and it's doing the exact same thing with both of them. No, the tracks aren't frozen. They're MIDI. What's the point?

If you could duplicate this, it would be most helpful. Oh, one more thing I didn't mention earlier -- both tunes I tried this out on are MIDI only. No Real Tracks, just in case that might matter for some reason.

Dan, like you, I export my BiaB files to my DAW (Cakewalk), where I do most of my production and edits, including final instrument assignments. But still, when working in BiaB, I like to have things sound as close as I can to the way I'm picturing it. I don't know about the rest of the folks here, but when I select a style, to me that's just a starting point. I will almost always change instrument assignments as I develop a song. It would be extremely limiting to be stuck with a style's default instrumentation.

At this point, I'm convinced this is BiaB problem, since, as I mentioned above, I haven't changed a thing. Prior to the upgrade, I could change instruments either on the fly or with the song idle, didn't matter. Hopefully, the staff will find a workaround to this and will include a fix in an upcoming Build.

Last edited by cooltouch; 01/02/22 08:48 AM.