Hello Floyd, TuneMonger Ember and Andi,

To all of you a very good 2022 in all respects, especially musically!
It was very nice reading your posts on the song, where I thought all of you were celebrating a Christmas holiday.
But I forgot writing posts is some kind of cebrating holidays...

Originally Posted By: floyd jane
A good write.
Excellent vocals. Might be your best yet. Very nicely mixed.
The BAND sounds good. LOVE the bass sound - and the way it carries the production.
Good arrangement. good mix. cool ending.
VERY much enjoyed!!

Floyd, those exclamation marks at the end of your very nice compliments made me happy. Thanks for that!
It was a great relief there was no mentioning of 'hot' vocals...

Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
I thought the arrangement was one of your best, maybe the best. I loved the bridge, wish it had lasted a bit longer. I had to look up the word preceptor, I didn't know it.
Nice work!

TuneMonger, when working on this song, by accident I heard that sound I used in the bridge alone. I loved it too!
And it gave me some pleasure you had to look up that word. Funny was that one of my sons, who speaks English also very well, asked me some days ago about the meaning of that word too. So I told him even native speakers had to look it up...
I loved your compliments but hope my best song is still to come!

Originally Posted By: Ember - PG Music
This was a really thought provoking song, and I think you did a great job with the arrangement. Thanks for sharing!

Ember, thanks for your very kind words on the lyrics and composition. As I wrote it had something to do with a meeting I had with someone I had last seen for 35 years. She only remembered me and my guitar, but not much else. That brought me to these lyrics.

Originally Posted By: PROJECT M
Hello Hans
This is a great song
Great band, great vocals and great sound
I like it really well
The end is great
Great work, Hans
Many greetings
Andi ;-)

Andi, very, very kind of you to write it this way. A buch of compliments from beginning to end! Thanks for that!

So, thanks again everyone and stay safe,

Hans Berkhout