Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
Originally Posted By: rharv
I do not think that by changing your SE preference in your browser you will eliminate all tracking though, regardless of the OS

Hardly. Most tracking is done by websites you visit, however you find them. There are people who disable cookies entirely to try to thwart it, but that can make browsing extremely difficult.

Found this recently, which kind of points out a different vantage point.
Yes Apple helped fix it, but also the OS was (likely) what allowed it.


Tracking happens many ways and we are all vulnerable regardless of OS.
Important thing is to weigh your options and configure to meet the choices.
That was pretty much all I was saying. It may not be Apple that is tracking you, but one of the Apple features allowed *someone to do so.
Going Apple/Mac is not bulletproof, neither is Windows.
Search Engine tracking is low on the priority list for me.
Location tracking, however, is a bit higher on the priority list for me, and also happens, especially on mobile devices.
The OS tendency (both Apple and MS) to want to tie your devices together is a pretty good sign they are tracking you.
Sure it's nice to have your devices share access to data, but it comes at a cost some never think about.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome