Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
I'll relate this true event to you.

Recently I came across some people with a new travel trailer. A certain 'aleck-sa' item was included as part of the supplied features. They mentioned that while in the travel trailer they discussed amongst themselves some thoughts on purchasing new golf clubs. Shortly afterwards they began to receive offers on golf clubs through multiple different media sources. Coincidence? Of course! How could we even think to be so skeptical? crazy

They turned 'aleck-sa' off. They suspected it was doing more than giving them the weather reports, (especially when not even being asked).

Each to their own. I've got nothing to hide either, but I simply prefer to use browsers that don't background profile - for their own underlying benefit.

It obviously happens more than you know.

To each his own...

I don't think anyone hides the fact that these "helpful" devices are listening all the time unless you specifically stop them from doing so.

It is all about ads and money and always will be. The internet obviously was not invented as a business, but it didn't take long for the money people to figure out there were trillions to be made. And, they did.

I don't care. Business is business. I don't care about the tracking either. It makes my searches better in the long run. Sometimes I can't even type a whole thought and get exactly what I was looking for. The knowledge (and a lot of it incorrect) of the world at my fingertips.

As Billy stated, everything anyone wants to know about you is already out there anyway. I held secret clearances, and work in nuclear power. My background has been probed plenty.

I don't do anything that has me worried about people finding out anyway.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.