Originally Posted By: dani48
IMO this is absolutely sensational , though I do understand that vocaloid voices in fact are human voices ( or am I wrong when I presume that the original voices have been modulated from a human ?)

You are correct. The voice provider basically has to sing thousands of nonsense syllables so there's a collection of transitions from any English phoneme to any other English phoneme. And in English, that's a lot of phonemes.

In any case human or not, this is just marvelous in every aspect !
I can imagine that there has been a lot of work going into this project, maybe even more than I can understand and the result is just wonderful, a masterpiece !

Thanks, I appreciate the kind words!

While it's certainly harder than simply singing, this method gives me a chance to play around with different notes and lyrics. And it makes it easy to re-record the vocals, even if my daughter is in the same room watching Knight Rider (her new favorite old show). laugh

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?