Hi Jtpjtpjtp, Scott, Nigel and Greg,

Oh man, I was busy heading some huge problems with BiaB! Still not solved. I think it has to do with those bugs in version 2022!
And I noticed I'm am worse than a donkey. That animal learns after hitting a stone. I buy BiaB for 6 years now and always around December/January. Always it has a lot of bugs in it and everyone tells me to wait till March or something, but I don't. Well, this one was my price I still owned from the company from febuary last year. But beside that, I am facing a lot of problems.
That is what makes me react tooooo late on your so nice comments. Yelling sorry does not ease your pain, I realize. But if you have a bit the same impulse I have on buying BiaB too quick, you will recognize it (I hope).

Originally Posted By: jptjptjpt
Nice one. I like the vocals. They remind of Dr. John in a way. Cool music by the band.
Good one.

Hi JPT (and so on); I don't know doctor John, only doctor Hook, but he must be awsome! Thanks for your comment!

Originally Posted By: Scott C
Super vocal and lyric Hans. The change in the vocal processing was very cool. Excellent backtrack.

Hi Scott, thanks for your nice comment. In a way I was happy that relation broke up. It gave me inspiration ;-). And I must admit, my wife was happy too, although we will miss her. I really think of making severall versions of this song...

Originally Posted By: NigelSpiers
Hi Hans,
This is my kinda music and enjoyed the whole song - I particularly liked the guitar work.
If you were to remix at any time (as you have suggested) I would like to hear the vocals more upfront to match the guitar.
Excellent song.

Best Regards

Hello Nigel, thanks man, for your post. I had done a remix and had your words in mind, as remarkt upon the loudness of the solo guitar.
I believe it is solved by now. Not by making my voice louder, but the guitar less loud.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Very, very Bluesy indeed Hans!!! You have a great voice for that genre!! Well done! Take care. Greg

Hi Greg, yes I like singing Blues songs, although the theme is sooo much played, that makes it difficult to distinguish yourself.

Thank you all and have a very nice day today,

Hans Berkhout