Lets take this one step at a time.
Is your 208i this ? >>>

Have you read on pg here the on line
Manuals and faq’s for RB in detail ?
If not i would urge you to take the time to go thru them.
This will help you lots.
RB is a great daw , with nice features...but there is a time needed to learn it...and its unique features.

The metronome settings are in RB preferences.
Re low gain…does 208i not have an instrument
Input ? there might be a level mismatch tween bass amp and 208.
Where are you inputting into 208 ? the combo xlr jack ?

If the 208 i IS your interface in addition it looks like it has fancy ...User control display.

Please post back a pic of the 208 user
Control display AS well as a pic of 208 driver selection in RB. are you WAS OR ASIO set in RB ?
the more us users know bout your set up the more we can help you...otherwise we are flying blind.

In addition…lots of folks record traks at -12.
You can always boost the -18 with gain.

I would also like you to do the following crude test.
In RB record on trak one a clik guide.
(right clik over trak…and youll see a LONG menu.)
2.NOW tap your bass or tap a mic and record this playing back WITH the clik.
IS EVERYTHING IN SYNC (assuming you tappedc accurately.)
on playback ? IF IT IS then it looks your drivers are OK.

As i said one step at a time.
Get back to me.
ps i notice rharv has posted. LISTEN TO HIM...
he knows his an expert.

pps.,. rharv..lovely doggie pic.

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 02/01/22 02:07 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)