If you have a photographic memory or you are a master chess champion then you can probably remember all the settings you make in all the subterranean layers of BiaB and you can dive into them to make productions. It's powerful, but once you get beyond entering chords and choosing styles, it's a bit like exploring caves in my opinion. I use it only to quickly sketch a song foundation, then I leave BiaB. What is beautiful about RealBand is how visually oriented it is. 1. It loads your BiaB song 'sketch' seamlessly. 2. After just learning a few basic mouse and menu selections (very similar to what you are trying to do in BiaB) you see your song begin to take shape more easily (visually). Less crawling around in caves trying to remember routes taken.

I rate my mind 'average to fading'. If you're like me, try opening your BiaB sketch (SGU) in Realband (File, Open .... seamlessly) and I think you'll see a less frustrating world. I use the Forum to solve problems. I haven't posted much since 2011, but I have searched this Forum often and found it to be the best 'immediate answer' resource anywhere when it comes to BiaB/RB and compatibility with hardware and other software apps.

Songwriter, not Singer-Songwriter. Dropped singing in time to save a few friends and pets. RealBand user since 2011. Little known fact... 1 million people live in Nova Scotia. Of those, 1.5 million are musicians. Website: www.songmaker.ca