Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Little Feat from the get-go to the tag. Excellent.
The vocals (all of them) were standout.
The dobro was an excellent choice and worked very nicely.
Good write and mix too. Sounds great on our brand new monitors.
We really don't like the word catchy ... hmmmm how about very engaging!

I'm so happy y'all found this tune "engaging"... it was a fun project.
Speaking of "Little Feat"... years ago, after Lowell died, I was fortunate to meet the band members backstage, at one of their concerts, and was graciously allowed to take a direct audio feed, off of their Main Mixer... I recorded the whole show onto four HI-FI VCR tapes... I still have those recordings.
Thanks again for listening, and the encouraging words.

Win-11; BiaB-2024-latest Beta;
Cakewalk; Melodyne-5; Scaler 2; NI Komplete:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20