Originally Posted By: vicarn
Cool sound and arrangement, Scott.


Thanks Vic Glad you liked song.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

This is a real cool atmospheric track Scott. Love the sound texture.

Thanks David Glad you liked it.

Originally Posted By: Derochette
Hi Scott C,

Cozy atmosphere, the playing of the guitar lends itself wonderfully well. It's rich in variations of the background and it pleases. Well done.

Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash

Thanks Jani Really appreciate your checking out the song. Glad you liked it.

Originally Posted By: AudioTrack
A both interesting and exotic selection of RealTracks has delivered a very unique result.

Great work.

Thanks for checking out the song. Glad you liked it.

Originally Posted By: Deej56

There’s so much to like about this one—of course, the impressive lead guitar melody among other things. For me, from a production standpoint, I would have liked to see a little bit more build from the intro to the meat of the song—starting a bit leaner and mixing the additional instrumentation as you go. But that’s a subjective thing . . . as it stands. . . impressive. Love the choice in stops. Nice work!

All my best,


Thanks Deej. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the comments on adding more build to the song. I have some new songs coming and have applied this to them. Glad you liked the song..

Scott Collingwood