Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
I went through the usual, “WHAT? That’s a bot?” reaction, so, ‘nuff said thereon. But Jesus, I thought we were supposed to have to wait another 5 years at least??

I've still got my own vocal synthesis project I'm working on, but I'm slowly losing enthusiasm for it. It's like when I wrote a raytracer with a bunch of really cool features, and then Blender came out with all those features and ran something like 100x faster. frown

Your production prowess is stunning. Not my listening style in general, but I listen and learn to each new release, and enjoy.

Thanks! There are plenty of songs posted on this forum that are "not my style", but I can appreciate the production - and sometimes even occasionally pilfer some ideas! wink

There’s an overywhelmingly FIFTHY firth in the vocal harmony that really jumps out in a rather distracting way, I’m sure you know the one I mean and have wondered about it yourself. =8^)

I still haven't figured out how to handle these situations. Do you add some imperfections so the harmony isn't perfect - and get beats and other artifacts - or make it more perfect and hope it doesn't sound too robotic?

I've gone back and added a bit more imperfection to it, but I'm not sure that's the right solution.

And in general in this piece, I like the vocal dueting when it’s straight harmony and not counterpoint. When it ascends to counterpoint, the absent humanity becomes more present.

And it's made even worse by trying to make the background vocal more bland and background.

There are some things that I just shrug and wonder if they'll be fixed in a future release. In the meantime, I try not to lose too much sleep.

Thanks for lending a critical ear! laugh

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?