Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
I'm sorry to hear about the rough patch in there. Prayers for continued recovery!

I've never heard this song before, so it's new to me. I totally dig the feel and groove of this song. You have some fun combinations of harmonic, melodic and rhythmic things going on. I liked the ride! Can I stay on for another go around? Seriously, what a good song all the way around.

By the way, I've always like how you can pull off the right amount of vibrato when you sing. It never sounds overdone and adds just enough interest to your phrasing.

Thanks for sharing this, and I'm fine with you posting some of your early material until you're back to where you need to be!

By the way, since typing is difficult for you at this time, please don't feel the need to reply. My comments are for you, not to get comments from you! smile I hope that helps a little.

Good Morning, Aaron ...

First, thanks for the well wishes. We appreciate them.

No charge for for additional rides - free refills! As far as the vocal vibrato - it's a self-taught element of my vocals. I struggle significantly with pitch, particularly on held notes. I find that by inducing a small amount of vibrato, I can better control my pitch. So it's something I do intentionally rather than my natural delivery. But, it seems to help. I'll probably repost a couple more older tunes until I can finish the ones in process.. Probably nothing more recent than 5 years ago.

Thanks for the very nice comments. Best to you & yours ...


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