This version, when "Snap To Beat" is selected, wants to select one beat back of where I click the cursor. So at 4-1-0 of the measure before. Annoying when I have to stop, zoom way in, click one human hair thickness to the right side of the mark I want to hit, and then once the anchor is set, have to force the cursor WAY off the view so I can select the number of bars I am trying to cut or move. Never before did I have to do this. Just in 2022. And I know I am being accurate with my mouse placement because if I just click it manually I am on 1-1-0 of the measure 99% of the time. When I miss it is 1-1-2 at most, and that is at default view or when I am zoomed even tighter than default. With these 27 inch monitors I have a very clear view.

And they want screen shots of things that are moving operations rather than static. How can I send a screen shot of me clicking the mouse and seeing the reaction to that click? As I said in another rant, SCREEN SHARE! It takes 45 seconds to set up a Team Viewer session and a couple of minutes on Team Viewer will show visually what dozens of emails will possibly maybe kinda-sorta convey in words. But nope, too busy. Rather make me send email all day long, and often more than 1 day of it. As a long time IT help desk person, I was on remote desktop ALL DAY and 2 of us handled a 2000 user office. Such a great tool but nobody wants to use it.

IF it was me running the office, and that's never going to happen, I would bring on 2 young people who will work for almost nothing, drill them for a month about the software, and then sit them at a computer to do nothing BUT live help sessions via Team Viewer. With a userbase who works from their homes all over the world, this is quite different from an office where all the users are in one building. I actually made a point of taking 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon to walk to the floors so people could put a face with the name and voice.

As far as he GUI concerns, there may be things I can do to the GUI that I don't know about, but the helps are really lacking because they are dependent on prior knowledge. I have NO idea how a total green newbie makes heads or tails of those manuals. One thing I still don't understand logically is how they use the word "push". When you insert that caret, it doesn't "push". The word push implies forward. What the ^ does is PULL the music backward in time. When you push a door, you move it away from you. When you pull a door you move it toward you. So to use the ^, you are pulling that note back in time toward you. Yet it is called a push. That kind of semantical thing can be confusing to a newbie. So for me to sit down with help files I would have to know what THEY call something before I can look it up. And I miss books. I hate help FILES. I want a book. With a table of contents in front, not 245 pages back from where I am reading on a screen. Just flip the book. But that's a cheapness thing. One file cloned one per a million users vs one million copies of a book that had to be printed on paper that costs money. Just another reason why the world stinks due to global economics. Anybody who hasn't read The World Is Flat really should. Great view of how the global economy has changed with the evolution of the internet. Things you may not have thought about, like how you can go to the ER at 3am, have x-rays taken, and have results of those x-rays in 10 minutes because they send them to a time zone where it is business hours to have them read and the results are emailed back. Back to the time before call centers when call forwarding was put in, allowing east coast businesses 3 more hours of business time by forwarding calls to a west coast branch/store. Now order desks are open 20 to 24 hours a day. I have ordered stuff from Home Depot at 11pm. And picked it up the next morning at 8.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.