Re Mac Mini with m class cpu.
Ive been reading on the number of trak n plug in counts users are getting with the mini. Impressive.
Then i’m reading a mac article bout possible m2 for mac mini.

If this comes to pass at a under 1k price point and with a good no of usb c ports and ability to run 2 hi speed ssd’s i would have to seriously consider a move from win.
Its not that i would need a ton of traks/plug ins (i dont overproduce)...
But it would be nice to know the reserves of power were there if needed.
It would be nice if Realband ran on such. Then i could use my current production Combo of biab/rb/reaper on a mini.

I have to say apple silicon is starting to get mighty interesting.

Does any pg user have real life current mini m1 performance stats ?
Ie base model ?
Ie stats like how long to boot from cold ? any feeling of max plug in /trak counts....
Assuming low cpu usage plug ins ? how long to boot from desk top into logic or studio one or other daws eg a song with 40 traks and 30 plug ins ?

I’m not gonna plonk down 2k for music studio given the silicon might change ...
but a mini with m2 could be very interesting at an under 1k price point.
Particularly as ive just read a report that lots of songwriters are lucky to make 67 bucks a year selling their songs on the net !!

Any performance stats/info on mini appreciated.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 03/31/22 03:18 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)