Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
A fun song, bloc-head. Love the lyrics including the title. Excellent harmony, and a great job fashioning those solos. Man, if this is a bonus track, this must be an outstanding album.
Thanks Marty, it was a fun little project... so glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted By: Al-David
HI Bloc-Head ...
Not been here much the past 3 months. Two surgeries and two ER visits afterwards (not related to the surgeries), plus life's way of beating you down, have left me exhausted and not getting much steam back. Comments, thus, will be short and to the point.

Loved the song - particularly the vocals. Excellent in all respects. Best to you ...
Hi Alan, thanks for listening, and for the feedback... get well soon...

Win-11; BiaB-2024-latest Beta;
Cakewalk; Melodyne-5; Scaler 2; NI Komplete:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20