Originally Posted By: PROJECT M
Hi Scott
Very nicely played
Especially with a lot of feeling
Maybe the sound of the guitar could have a little more pressure.
But that is just a feeling from me
All in all very well done
Many greetings
Andi ;-)

Thanks Andi Glad you liked the song.

Originally Posted By: AudioTrack
It's always enjoyable to receive an instrumental occasionally, and this is no exception.

Nice mix, and a clear performance of the lead instruments.

Thanks for checking out the song. Glad you liked it.

Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
Very interesting airy track. I like how you spaced out instruments in the mix and your playing is excellent.
Thank you for sharing.


Thanks Misha. Good to hear from you. Glad you liked the song.

Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
You are the master melody maker, Scott. I appreciate the explanation of your recording process. It's amazing how the same recording can sound so different with mic selection and placement.

Thanks Marty. Still dialing in this modular recording process. Another tone journey to explore. Glad you liked the song.

Scott Collingwood